eBooks: Doctor Zhivago - Stellar Editions
Book: I Remember: Sketch For an Autobiography - Pantheon
Book: February: Selected Poetry Of Boris Pasternak (English and Russian Edition) - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Book: Boris Pasternak - Hutchinson
Book: Boris Pasternaks Translations of Shakespeare - University of California Press
eBooks: Boris Pasternak: Family Correspondence, 1921-1960 (Hoover Institution Press Publication) - Hoover Institution Press
Book: Safe Conduct: An Autobiography and Other Writings - New Directions
Book: Doctor Zhivago - Pantheon
Book: Doctor Zhivago Translated By Max Hayward and Manya Harari : Pantheon - Pantheon
Book: Doctor Zhivago (Vintage International) - Vintage
Book: Four of Us: Pasternak, Akhmatova, Mandelstam, Tsvetaeva - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Book: Letters: Summer 1926 (New York Review Books Classics) - NYRB Classics
Book: The Poems of Doctor Zhivago. Translated from the Russian by Eugene M. Kayden. with Drawings by Bill Greer - [kansas City, Mo. ]: Hallmark Editions
Book: Second Nature: Poems by Boris Pasternak - Peter Owen Publishers
Book: My Sister - Life (European Poetry Classics (Paperback)) - Northwestern University Press
Book: The Zhivago Affair: The Kremlin, the CIA, and the Battle Over a Forbidden Book - Pantheon
Book: The Last Summer (Peter Owen Modern Classics) - Peter Owen Ltd
Book: My Sister Life and The Zhivago Poems (Northwestern World Classics) - Northwestern University Press
eBooks: Boris Pasternak - Doctor Zhivago (Russian Edition) (Romansh Edition)
Book: Doctor Zhivago - Signet
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